
By the end of the next mid-term test(Dec 13)
You have to present your Body and Conclusion on your power point file.

Body = Objective
Fact 1 = Datum
Fact 2 = Datum
Fact 3 = Datum
Data (Fact 1,2 and 3) ⇒Information(Conclution)

How could you make you data the information?
Data + your analysis(on your view point) ⇒Infomation(Processed Data)
Conclusion (your opinion) = Subjective
What problem has been solved? = Your opinion = Information

On My PowerPoint
Body(Fact = Data = Couse of your opinion)
1. Fact 1(To analyze to the Fact 1, in order to solve the problem)
2. Fact 2(To analyze to the Fact 2, in order to solve the problem)
2. Fact 3(To analyze to the Fact 3, in order to solve the problem)

Conclution(Effect = Information = Analyzed Data = your opinion)
4. Sum up Fact 1,2 and 3! (You have to show the result of your analysis)
5.Your Opinion(Your solution on the problem)
6.In the future!(How could you make the problem better in the future?)

ゆあー びゅー ぴょ、びゅー ぽいんと!!!